Monday, September 12, 2016

Fall Schedule

Officially, beautiful diamonds,
Come breath and make shapes with me
Fall Schedule:

Tuesday 7-8pm1111
Washington Life Center
Marine City, MI

Wednesday 12-1pm
Updog Yoga Studio
Rochester, MI

Thursday 7-8pm
Washington Life Center
Marine City, MI

Friday 12-1pm
Updog Yoga Studio
Rochester, MI

Let's do this!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

It's time again for the changing of the season which ultimately means doors closing and new ones opening. I'm never board. Working with other healers, body workers, yogis and creative types insures me a steady stream of interesting conversation and idea exchange. It also means that change is always inevitable. Seriously, change is the only constant in life. Amiright?! I'm not the best at change. Sometimes it feels easier to keep plodding down the same path. Change means peeling back a few more layers, being vulnerable, expanding the dark part of the map, scary, unknown. In order to keep fresh, to stay wild as I like to say, we must not be afraid. We must lean in to the wet, earthy, vulnerable, and dark parts of our existence. We are diamonds after all, covered in layers of grime and time. It is our job to unearth the parts of ourself that sine! That are pure! And be as generous and contagious with our joy as possible!

Welcome back September old friend.
Welcome back tartan plaids and orchard hikes.
Welcome back change,

Join me making shapes and igniting passion

Basic 1
Friday at noon
Updog yoga studio
Rochester, MI

The Yoga Room
Port Huron, MI

Basic yoga
Tuesday & Thursday
Washington Life Center
Marine City, MI

I'm back! 

It's been a while, a pregnancy and, two state residencies

Life goes on always. Some good and bad but mostly calm contentness. 

I am currently teaching out of two very different studios. It's a blessing because they are polar 
opposites. Who knew the same sort of business could operate in as many ways as there are people running them? I guess it shouldn't have come as a surprise. 

Come September I will be striking out on my own in a different way. I have landed a dream gig working out of the Washington Life Center for the Ageing in Marine City. Teaching my Mom and her peers is pretty exciting. My comfort level in a gym setting is solid but I have not specifically taught our aging baby boomer population. Fun shall be had! Beatles will be played! Lives changed! I expect to get way more out of this then I can anticipate. 

Here is my summer schedule:

Gentle Slow Flow
Mixed Levels
@The Yoga Room a healing space
808 Lapeer Ave.
Port Huron, MI


All Levels
@UpDog Yoga Studio
210 W. University Ave.

Coming soon:

Basic I
All ages welcome
Tuesday and Thursday
@Washington Life Center
403 N. Mary St.
Marine City, MI

Looking forward to meeting you all!