Top 5 New Years Resolutions (according to
1. Spend more time with friends and family
2. Fit in fitness
3. Tame the bulge
4. Quite smoking
5. Enjoy life more
I guess mine fell under number 5. What my resolution was really about was being a more genuine person, a better version of Laraine, a larger expression so to say. I'm not an ego maniac I just think, hey, I'm trying my best to be me, isn't that enough? Mantra for this year: I am enough.
Okay, so this might seem counter intelligent but, I dyed my hair. I hear you saying, "if you are enough, then why cover it up with chemical processes?"
That is valid but, since I have been stripping my natural hair color for years now in favor of sunny blonde highlights (insert head bobble), it's time to get back to my roots so to say.
Yes, this post really is just about hair dye, and girly-ness, sorry
So, here is what happened. My loving cousin, who is a total glamazon, was using henna hair dye. She bought it in blocks and loved it until it really started to get a little too vibrant. She offered it to me for my eyebrows (but that is another blog all together). So I took it. I signed my husband to help (bad idea).
Henna hair dye, at least the kind I used, came from a store that sells beauty products so fresh they have expiration dates. I'm not sure I can say but since I have nothing to complain: I used Caca Rouge Mama from LUSH. Big fan of their massage bars too;) prrrrrrrrr
SO, what happens is the dye comes in a bar. A chunk if you will. Sorta looks like some tasty chocolate, only not! We boiled some water and put the brick in to dissolve into a muddy paste. This is a super messy product. My hair is course and thick so unlike conventional dyes I really could have never done it myself just too much mess for one person. My sweet Army Ranger of a husband played stylist for the afternoon (he may have found his next vocation). The process is like putting mud on your head to dry and leaving it there for quite a long time. I left mine on for about 3 hours. My glamazon cousin left hers on overnight!
Overall successful experiment until I parted my hair the following day to discover we missed a spot! WHAT! this probably had to do with the thickness of the henna mud and that I let my husband do it (what was I thinking?) So, I just mixed up the little bit I had left and slapped it on the spot. 2 hours later, you'd never know. This dye is really forgiving, sheer, transparent and gentle on the locks. I've had it on for over a month and yes, it has faded but, looks better. The red was seriously vibrant in the beginning.